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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

Three Things To Read This Week

“Every summer, teens and young adults across the country fill their bags, pack lunches and head to work — thanks to summer youth jobs programs. These initiatives, which have become ubiquitous nationwide, are beloved by politicians and constituents alike. They aim to perform myriad functions: helping connect youths to employment opportunities, offering them income and marketable skills, and dissuading them from risky behavior.”

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

Three Things To Read This Weekend

Solstice House is a peer respite center in Madison, Wisconsin, which aims to provide a “warm, comforting environment that individuals can come to when they’re needing a respite from everyday life. If they're having mental health symptoms or stressors, and they're needing a break.” It’s also a program that “saves[s] the County and the State money” since, without the program, the “majority of the residents would have either been in the hospital [or] possibly ended up in jail.. “From fear to hope” is how Furman Avery, a program manager at Solstice House, describes the program’s philosophy: “I don’t push you. I don’t pull you. I walk beside you in your journey in recovery.”

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

Three Things To Read This Holiday Weekend

Durham, North Carolina’s local ABC affiliate produced an excellent investigative segment on the Durham City Council’s decision announcing an additional investment of “nearly $2 million into its Community Safety Department which just last summer launched as the first of its kind in North Carolina.” The program has already become so popular in the community that the program’s director told ABC news that the “neighbors that we serve [are] asking for more HEART [and the team is even] seeing yard signs and other outpouring[s] of support …”

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

What To Read This Week

New Orleans is billing the mobile crisis intervention unit as the mental health focused “fourth branch” of the city’s emergency services—sitting alongside police, fire, and EMS—which is a structural positioning that illustrates that city leaders intend for the unit to become a permanent and vital part of the city’s first responder infrastructure.

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

Three Things To Read This Week

The Alliance for Safety and Justice, a policy advocacy organization powered by over 180,000 crime survivors, recently published a Twitter thread recapping some historic wins around the country for crime victims and their loved ones. Building on the thread, here’s a brief overview of vital legislation that’s passed around the country in recent weeks, which includes financial assistance for survivors to relocate to a safe place, mental health support, and funding for trauma recovery centers.

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

Three Things To Read This Week

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine recently praised the opening of a new crisis stabilization center in Dayton, saying: “What we’re seeing today really does make Montgomery County a leader in the state and it really is one more major step forward to achieve what we want to achieve in Ohio … to have a system if your son or daughter or a family member is in crisis, there is a place for that person to go.”

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

Three Things To Read This Week

A new report and guide from Everytown For Gun Safety, provides a roadmap for city leaders interested in acting on “a growing body of evidence [which] shows that summer youth employment programs aimed at the young people most at risk for or with histories of violence are a promising intervention to reduce violent crime in cities.”

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

Three Things To Read This Weekend

There’s a growing bipartisan push to make Narcan—a life-saving drug that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose—as widely available to not only first responders, but to as many ordinary citizens as possible. To help combat the overdose crisis, leaders across the country are providing access to the easy-to-administer medication in schools and churches, bars and restaurants, in public transit stations and airlines, local vending machines and over the counter at pharmacies. Narcan has no effect when consumed by a person who is not having an overdose, meaning there is no risk in taking it. Hence, the push for widespread access. To gauge Americans’ views on the debate over increased access to Narcan, Safer Cities conducted a poll.

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

What To Read This Week

Safe Streets, Baltimore’s flagship community violence intervention program, focuses resources on high gun violence zones within the city, using trained experts to de-escalate conflict before it spreads. According to a new study from researchers at Johns Hopkins University, that focus appears to be paying off: Safe Streets is “associated with a statistically significant 23% reduction in nonfatal shootings” across all program sites; and “Homicides were 22% lower than forecasted” if Safe Streets “had not been implemented” in the city’s five longest running program sites.

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

Our Full Polling Results on Community Safety Departments

Community Safety Departments (CSD) are the third branch of public safety—sitting alongside fire and police as co-equal city departments. They function as umbrella organizations that centralize a city’s unarmed crisis response programs in the same way that a police department centralizes various law enforcement functions. Whereas a police department has divisions like robbery-homicide, and SWAT, CSDs have divisions such as mobile crisis response and violence intervention.

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

What To Read This Week

Albuquerque’s Community Safety Department broke ground on its new headquarters last week—showing how woven into the city’s fabric the department has become.

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

What To Read This Week

For the past two weeks, Safer Cities described new polling results which showed that voters. This week, we continue our deep dive into public opinion on community safety departments by analyzing why voters support community safety departments.

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

What To Read This Week

Last week, Safer Cities described new polling results which showed that 75% of voters would support the creation of an Albuquerque-style community safety department where they live. Today, we detail results that help unpack what motivates that overwhelming support.

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

Three Things To Read This Week

Safer Cities recently covered the Albuquerque Community Safety Department, which is an umbrella department that centralizes the city’s unarmed crisis response programs.

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

New Polling On The Role Of Police In Traffic Stops

Nearly two months ago, five Memphis police officers beat a 29-year-old man to death, Tyre Nichols, during a traffic stop. That killing has sparked a new round of calls for police reform around the country; and, in particular, calls to limit the role of armed police officers in traffic stops. Memphis is considering a new bill that would reclassify a half dozen different traffic infractions as minor, meaning that they would no longer warrant a traffic stop. Montgomery County, Maryland is too. So are the legislatures in California and Washington. In light of the renewed interest in the role of police officers in traffic stops, Safer Cities conducted a new national poll. Here are the key findings.

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

What To Read This Week

Two U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory boards, both of which are composed of physicians, addiction medicine specialists and first responders, unanimously voted to recommend that the FDA make Narcan available over the counter without a prescription.

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

Three Things To Read This Week

San Diego County Update—“Mobile Crisis Response Teams have responded to nearly 3,600 calls since the program launched two years ago.”

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

What To Read This Week

Nearly three in four Chicagoans (74%) support reassigning “certain duties currently handled by the police department—[for example,] traffic enforcement and certain 911 calls related to homelessness, mental health, minor crime, and substance abuse—to unarmed civil officers, social workers, and EMTs.”

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

Three Things To Read This Week

Governor Glenn Youngkin’s “Right Help, Right Now” plan, which aims to significantly expand mental health services across Virginia, includes a provision that would create *over 30* new mobile crisis response teams throughout the state. When voters learn that Right Help, Right Now includes resources for mobile crisis response, they are more likely to support it.

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Matt Ferner Matt Ferner

What To Read This Week

“Ninety-six percent of victims of violent crime did not receive victim compensation to help recover,” according to the latest national survey of crime victims from the Alliance for Safety and Justice commissioned David Binder Research.

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