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What To Read This Week
Safe Streets, Baltimore’s flagship community violence intervention program, focuses resources on high gun violence zones within the city, using trained experts to de-escalate conflict before it spreads. According to a new study from researchers at Johns Hopkins University, that focus appears to be paying off: Safe Streets is “associated with a statistically significant 23% reduction in nonfatal shootings” across all program sites; and “Homicides were 22% lower than forecasted” if Safe Streets “had not been implemented” in the city’s five longest running program sites.
Our Full Polling Results on Community Safety Departments
Community Safety Departments (CSD) are the third branch of public safety—sitting alongside fire and police as co-equal city departments. They function as umbrella organizations that centralize a city’s unarmed crisis response programs in the same way that a police department centralizes various law enforcement functions. Whereas a police department has divisions like robbery-homicide, and SWAT, CSDs have divisions such as mobile crisis response and violence intervention.
What To Read This Week
Albuquerque’s Community Safety Department broke ground on its new headquarters last week—showing how woven into the city’s fabric the department has become.
What To Read This Week
For the past two weeks, Safer Cities described new polling results which showed that voters. This week, we continue our deep dive into public opinion on community safety departments by analyzing why voters support community safety departments.
What To Read This Week
Last week, Safer Cities described new polling results which showed that 75% of voters would support the creation of an Albuquerque-style community safety department where they live. Today, we detail results that help unpack what motivates that overwhelming support.
Three Things To Read This Week
Safer Cities recently covered the Albuquerque Community Safety Department, which is an umbrella department that centralizes the city’s unarmed crisis response programs.
New Polling On The Role Of Police In Traffic Stops
Nearly two months ago, five Memphis police officers beat a 29-year-old man to death, Tyre Nichols, during a traffic stop. That killing has sparked a new round of calls for police reform around the country; and, in particular, calls to limit the role of armed police officers in traffic stops. Memphis is considering a new bill that would reclassify a half dozen different traffic infractions as minor, meaning that they would no longer warrant a traffic stop. Montgomery County, Maryland is too. So are the legislatures in California and Washington. In light of the renewed interest in the role of police officers in traffic stops, Safer Cities conducted a new national poll. Here are the key findings.
What To Read This Week
Two U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory boards, both of which are composed of physicians, addiction medicine specialists and first responders, unanimously voted to recommend that the FDA make Narcan available over the counter without a prescription.
Three Things To Read This Week
San Diego County Update—“Mobile Crisis Response Teams have responded to nearly 3,600 calls since the program launched two years ago.”
What To Read This Week
Nearly three in four Chicagoans (74%) support reassigning “certain duties currently handled by the police department—[for example,] traffic enforcement and certain 911 calls related to homelessness, mental health, minor crime, and substance abuse—to unarmed civil officers, social workers, and EMTs.”
Three Things To Read This Week
Governor Glenn Youngkin’s “Right Help, Right Now” plan, which aims to significantly expand mental health services across Virginia, includes a provision that would create *over 30* new mobile crisis response teams throughout the state. When voters learn that Right Help, Right Now includes resources for mobile crisis response, they are more likely to support it.
What To Read This Week
“Ninety-six percent of victims of violent crime did not receive victim compensation to help recover,” according to the latest national survey of crime victims from the Alliance for Safety and Justice commissioned David Binder Research.
What To Read This Week
Crisis stabilization centers, which provide “substance use disorder and behavioral health support services” for people experiencing acute mental illness or intoxication, give first responders an alternative to bringing a person in crisis to a jail or emergency room.
Three Things To Read This Weekend
Our new poll finds broad bipartisan support for Quick Response Teams that deploy experts trained to prevent overdose deaths.
NEW POLL: Community Responder Units Get Broad Bipartisan Support
Last year, Albuquerque, New Mexico, launched the country’s first community safety department—an unarmed civilian force that takes a public health approach to protecting public safety. Albuquerque Community Safety deploys different types of first responders, including a “community responder” division, which “responds to minor injuries or incapacitation, abandoned vehicles, non-injury accidents, needle pickups, or other calls for service in the community.” Safer Cities conducted a poll to gauge how the concept of a community responder unit would be received by voters across the country.
What To Read This Weekend
Community Violence Intervention—What They’re Saying; Three new mobile crisis response programs launched this Fall; An Update From Columbus, Ohio responders program.
Three Things To Read This Weekend
“We want to return the vibrancy, the beauty, the healthy feeling of the streets of the Mission, but we want to do that without criminalizing poverty… and we believe the community ambassador program is the way to do that.”
NEW POLL Finds Robust Support For Civilian Transit Ambassadors
Over the summer, Los Angeles County announced that it will add 300 unarmed, uniformed transit ambassadors to watch over the county’s trains and buses to “create a culture in which the ambassadors [act as] the front line, managing the lion’s share of incidents in transit [and] reserve law enforcement and armed responses to those incidents that truly warrant it.” As these novel approaches to transit security launch, Safer Cities conducted a poll to gauge public support for civilian transit ambassadors.
What You Need To Know About Narcan
There’s an emerging bipartisan political consensus that cities need to get Narcan—a life-saving drug that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose—into the hands of as many people as can responsibly administer it. And a new Safer Cities poll with Data For Progress (methodology) shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans would welcome that change.
Three Things To Read This Weekend
Lawmakers, researchers, advocates, and journalists use different names to refer to a space that provides people with a safe and supervised place to use drugs in an effort to curb overdose deaths. Does it matter what you call them? The results: Yes, what you call these facilities matters.